A clinical case managing undiagnosed diabetes, active chronic moderate periodontitis with severe localized contributions, moderate to severe attrition on lower natural dentition (managing parafunctional habit), existing full upper arch PFM and Gold crowns with recurrent decay and open margins and anatomically incorrect crowns that contributed to the progression of periodontal disease, loss of VDO, and high caries risk.

This presentation will take us on the journey of the whole treatment focusing on the steps of implant planning, placement and restoration and how we should always be flexible and ready to tackle any obstacle that arises. The significance of this contribution is to show with proper radiographic and photographic documentations the detailed process of how we execute this treatment approach at Dugoni.

In this clinical report, in addition to presenting the case, treatment plan and restorative considerations, a summary of workflow is presented with a deeper look into problems encountered scanning multiple implants with a large edentulous space between them. A comparison is made between conventional impression accuracy and scanned/printed model accuracy. Additionally, a splinted scan body method for large edentulous spans is proposed with data comparing it to both a conventional impression and scanning without splinting the scan bodies.