Drug-induced gingival hyperplasia (DIGH) is a common side effect of certain medications, resulting in an overgrowth of gingival tissue. This case study presents the use of immediate dentures for oral rehabilitation in a 69-year-old female patient on antihypertensive calcium channel blocker medication. The patient presented with extensive gingival overgrowth, resulting in difficulty eating and speaking, as well as poor esthetics. After a thorough evaluation and treatment planning, staged extraction was performed and and complete maxillary and mandibular immediate dentures were delivered on final extraction day. The dentures provided improved function, esthetics, and comfort for the patient, who reported a high level of satisfaction with the treatment outcome. This case illustrates the potential benefits of immediate dentures for oral rehabilitation in patients with Drug induced gingival hyperplasia, offering a viable treatment option for patients seeking to improve their quality of life.

The zirconia maryland bridge may be small, but is quite mighty. The patient presented with a fractured #23 at the gingival margin. He was concerned with the unsightly appearance of his smile.

A clinical case managing undiagnosed diabetes, active chronic moderate periodontitis with severe localized contributions, moderate to severe attrition on lower natural dentition (managing parafunctional habit), existing full upper arch PFM and Gold crowns with recurrent decay and open margins and anatomically incorrect crowns that contributed to the progression of periodontal disease, loss of VDO, and high caries risk.

A new patient presents with complete edentulism on the maxillary left quadrant as well as an additional missing canine in the esthetic zone of the lower-left mandibular quadrant as a result of trauma from an accidental fall. An implant-supported removable partial denture (RPD) for the upper-left quadrant and a single implant crown to replace #22, turned out to be the best solution.

This presentation will take us on the journey of the whole treatment focusing on the steps of implant planning, placement and restoration and how we should always be flexible and ready to tackle any obstacle that arises. The significance of this contribution is to show with proper radiographic and photographic documentations the detailed process of how we execute this treatment approach at Dugoni.