As patients age and live longer, patients’ demand for non-removable options to replace teeth grows. In this particular case study, I evaluated and formulated a comprehensive treatment plan to restore form and function in a partially edentulous patient. Considering the patient’s preference for a fixed implant treatment option, I assessed the risks and benefits contributing to the long-term success of implants for this patient. I developed a surgical and restorative plan for implant placement involving both single unit and multi-unit implant prostheses. From implant planning, placement and restoration, I gained a greater understanding for similarities and differences between workflows for single unit and multi-unit implant prostheses. Thank you to my mentors Dr. Allen Wong, Dr. Debra Woo Dr. Michael Beckley, and the whole AEGD faculty team for their support and guidance.
Methods: A group of third year dental students developed a mentoring program for incoming second year students. The program involved a series of workshops and hands-on training sessions where the third year students shared their experiences and best practices for success in the dental school clinic. The program covered a range of topics, including patient communication, treatment planning, financial decisions and diagnostic principles.

Results: The Clinic transitions program was successful in helping incoming second year students navigate the challenges of transitioning into the clinic, as gathered by surveys. The second year students reported feeling more confident and prepared after participating in the program. The third year students also gained valuable leadership and teaching experience, which will be beneficial to them as they continue their dental education and future careers.

Conclusions: The Clinic transitions program was an effective way for third year dental students to share their experiences and knowledge with incoming second year students. The program not only helped the second year students succeed in the dental school clinic, but also provided the third year students with valuable leadership and teaching experience. The dental school plans to continue this mentoring program in the future to ensure that all students have the resources and support they need to succeed.

Acknowledgements: We would like to acknowledge the support of the dental school faculty and staff in making this program possible. The work of Dr. Gupta, Des Beltran and Marietta Daniel was critical to the success of the program. Additionally, we would like to acknowledge the participating second year students who arrived engaged and eager to learn at every session.

The patient was transferred to me by my “big sib” in order to proceed with implant FDPs oral rehabilitation. He presented with a complex medical history. Moreover, he felt self-conscious about his smile as a result of the deterioration of his oral health. The consequence of this led to the psychological impact of not being able to publicly smile. A multidisciplinary approach to this case was a foundation of clinical success. Rebuilding a patient’s confidence through a smile can be a life-changing experience. With dental implant and veneer rehabilitation, we were able to achieve the beautiful smile that the patient once had and wanted to regain. Once the treatment plan was completed, the patient agreed we had achieved our mutual goals.

This 38-year-old female patient was referred to the orthodontic clinic by her student dentist to see what the orthodontic options are for resolving her crowding and potentially closing some of the missing teeth spaces. Pt presented with missing #4, 5, …

A Multidisciplinary Case: ​Creating an esthetic smile and ​closing missing teeth spaces with the minimal number of implants​ Read more ›

A new patient presents with complete edentulism on the maxillary left quadrant as well as an additional missing canine in the esthetic zone of the lower-left mandibular quadrant as a result of trauma from an accidental fall. An implant-supported removable partial denture (RPD) for the upper-left quadrant and a single implant crown to replace #22, turned out to be the best solution.

This presentation will take us on the journey of the whole treatment focusing on the steps of implant planning, placement and restoration and how we should always be flexible and ready to tackle any obstacle that arises. The significance of this contribution is to show with proper radiographic and photographic documentations the detailed process of how we execute this treatment approach at Dugoni.

In this clinical report, in addition to presenting the case, treatment plan and restorative considerations, a summary of workflow is presented with a deeper look into problems encountered scanning multiple implants with a large edentulous space between them. A comparison is made between conventional impression accuracy and scanned/printed model accuracy. Additionally, a splinted scan body method for large edentulous spans is proposed with data comparing it to both a conventional impression and scanning without splinting the scan bodies.