A great part of nutrition comes from the patient’s ability to eat, but due to much of the geriatric population’s missing dentition and lack of dental care, eating and proper nutrition become very difficult to do on a daily basis. We noticed this from our very first visit to the TODCO (Tenants and Owners Development Corporation) site in San Francisco during our first year.

Gingival defects can be treated in multiple ways. The current gold standard is connective tissue graft (CTG) in order to treat Class I and II Miller defects (Chambrone, 2008). One of the newer procedures is the use of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) therapy, which involves drawing the patient’s own blood and forming a membrane to heal gingival defects. This literature review looks at scholarly articles comparing the use of PRF to CTG in healing clinical attachment loss (CAL) over a period of 6 months and whether one is more effective than the other in gaining CAL.