Comprehensive dental care is essential for restoring patients’ oral health, function, and aesthetics. In this clinical presentation, I will discuss the comprehensive oral rehabilitation of a patient who presented with a chief concern of restoring occlusion function and improving aesthetics and overall oral health.

The patient was transferred to me by my “big sib” in order to proceed with implant FDPs oral rehabilitation. He presented with a complex medical history. Moreover, he felt self-conscious about his smile as a result of the deterioration of his oral health. The consequence of this led to the psychological impact of not being able to publicly smile. A multidisciplinary approach to this case was a foundation of clinical success. Rebuilding a patient’s confidence through a smile can be a life-changing experience. With dental implant and veneer rehabilitation, we were able to achieve the beautiful smile that the patient once had and wanted to regain. Once the treatment plan was completed, the patient agreed we had achieved our mutual goals.

This 38-year-old female patient was referred to the orthodontic clinic by her student dentist to see what the orthodontic options are for resolving her crowding and potentially closing some of the missing teeth spaces. Pt presented with missing #4, 5, …

A Multidisciplinary Case: ​Creating an esthetic smile and ​closing missing teeth spaces with the minimal number of implants​ Read more ›